“The human body is the most complex system ever created. The more we learn about it, the more appreciation we

While each individual’s experience with low back pain is unique, you are not alone. At this very moment 540 million

From Crossfitters to marathon runners to active individuals going out for their evening walk, lateral hip and knee pain can

All of us living or aspiring to live active lifestyles want to avoid the delays and setbacks that pain can

Hip flexor tightness has become quite the buzzword in both the healthcare and fitness world and is something that comes

We wanted to talk to you today about something that we are passionate about … PAIN. But maybe not in

The shoulder is one of our favorite joints in the body, it’s so unique! No other joint in the body

What is the single most common answer we hear to all of these questions? ‘How do I improve my exercise

It’s that time of year, the first snow has hit Minnesota, and you, the few and the brave, are pulling

Twenty percent of people each year experience low back pain, and 80% have a significant episode of pain over their

None of us set out to get injured. Then why is it that everyone knows someone who has had a

“Make sure to put some Ice on that.” One of the most common things heard from athletes, trainers, and healthcare